Clean rooms

Sensitive applications require maximum purity

High-tech requires maximum purity. The tightest manufacturing tolerances and absolute precision in the production of semiconductors or nanoprocessors can only be achieved under clean room conditions. The pharmaceutical industry imposes the same high requirements on air purity for the production of medicines and active ingredients.

The principle is simple and effective: well-matched filter stages with Viledon air filters of different classes and designs.

Generally, a two-stages pre-filtration consisting of Viledon pocket filters and cassette filters removes coarse to fine particles. Viledon EPA, HEPA and ULPA filters are used as the final filtration stage. They are responsible for the reliable arrest of the finest particles and germs and can be used in cleanrooms with turbulent or low-turbulence airflow.

When the surgeon takes the scalpel into the operating room, the highest standards of hygiene must be respected. This also applies to the air filtration, which must function reliably at all times.

In nanotechnology research, the orders of size range from 100 nanometers to individual atoms. The smallest foreign particles have a negative effect on the processes and must be removed from the air.

Optics and laser technology
The optics and laser technology require maximum precision. Maximum air purity is therefore an essential requirement to achieve the best results.

Pharmaceutical industry
In the manufacture of pharmaceuticals products and active ingredients, it is essential that germs and particles are reliably removed from the air to prevent contamination and ensure the purity of products.

A multitude of different applications fall under the term biotechnology. They have in common a strong requirement for purity. Enzymes, cells and organisms can only be used when a high degree of purity is achieved.

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